B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Read the following text. identify the generic structure and the language featurescientists say they have discovered a new species of orangutans on indonesia's island of sumatra.the population differs in several ways from the two existing orangutan species found in sumatra and the neighboring island of borneo.the orangutans were found inside north sumatra's batang toru forest, the science publication current biology reported.michael kruetzen is a geneticist with the university of zurich who has studied the orangutans for several years. he said he was excited to be part of the unusual discovery of a new great ape in the present day. he noted that most great apes are currently considered endangered or severely endangered.the new study said fewer than 800 of the newly-described orangutans exist. their low numbers make the group the most endangered of all the great ape species. they live within an area covering about 1,000 square kilometers. the population is considered highly vulnerable. that is because the environment which they depend on is greatly threatened by development.researchers say if steps are not taken quickly to reduce the current and future threats, the new species could become extinct "within our lifetime."matthew nowak is one of the writers of the study. he told the associated press that there are three groups of the tapanuli orangutans that are separated by non-protected land. then, he added that the forest land needs to connect the separated groups. in addition, some writers of the fieldstudy are recommending that plans for a hydropower center in the area be stopped by the government. it is also recommended that remaining forests in the sumatran area where the orangutans live be protected

Read the following text. identify the generic structure and the language featurescientists say they have discovered a new species of orangutans on indonesia's island of sumatra.the population differs in several ways from the two existing orangutan species found in sumatra and the neighboring island of borneo.the orangutans were found inside north sumatra's batang toru forest, the science publication current biology reported.michael kruetzen is a geneticist with the university of zurich who has studied the orangutans for several years. he said he was excited to be part of the unusual discovery of a new great ape in the present day. he noted that most great apes are currently considered endangered or severely endangered.the new study said fewer than 800 of the newly-described orangutans exist. their low numbers make the group the most endangered of all the great ape species. they live within an area covering about 1,000 square kilometers. the population is considered highly vulnerable. that is because the environment which they depend on is greatly threatened by development.researchers say if steps are not taken quickly to reduce the current and future threats, the new species could become extinct "within our lifetime."matthew nowak is one of the writers of the study. he told the associated press that there are three groups of the tapanuli orangutans that are separated by non-protected land. then, he added that the forest land needs to connect the separated groups. in addition, some writers of the fieldstudy are recommending that plans for a hydropower center in the area be stopped by the government. it is also recommended that remaining forests in the sumatran area where the orangutans live be protected

Baca teks berikut ini. mengidentifikasi struktur generik dan fitur bahasa Para ilmuwan mengatakan bahwa mereka telah menemukan spesies orangutan baru di pulau sumatera indonesia. Populasinya berbeda dalam beberapa hal dari dua spesies orangutan yang ada yang ditemukan di sumatera dan pulau tetangga Kalimantan. Orangutan ditemukan di dalam hutan batang toru sumatra utara, publikasi sains biologi terkini melaporkan. michael kruetzen adalah ahli genetika dari universitas zurich yang telah mempelajari orangutan selama beberapa tahun. dia mengatakan dia senang menjadi bagian dari penemuan kera besar baru yang tidak biasa di masa sekarang. dia mencatat bahwa sebagian besar kera besar saat ini dianggap terancam punah atau sangat terancam punah. Studi baru mengatakan kurang dari 800 orangutan yang baru dideskripsikan ada. jumlah mereka yang rendah membuat kelompok ini menjadi yang paling terancam punah dari semua spesies kera besar. mereka tinggal di wilayah seluas sekitar 1.000 kilometer persegi. populasi dianggap sangat rentan. itu karena lingkungan tempat mereka bergantung sangat terancam oleh pembangunan. Para peneliti mengatakan jika langkah-langkah tidak diambil dengan cepat untuk mengurangi ancaman saat ini dan masa depan, spesies baru bisa punah "dalam masa hidup kita." matthew nowak adalah salah satu penulisnya. dari studi. Dia mengatakan kepada pers terkait bahwa ada tiga kelompok orangutan tapanuli yang dipisahkan oleh lahan yang tidak dilindungi. Kemudian, ia menambahkan bahwa lahan hutan perlu menghubungkan kelompok-kelompok yang terpisah. Selain itu, beberapa penulis studi lapangan merekomendasikan agar rencana pusat pembangkit listrik tenaga air di daerah tersebut dihentikan oleh pemerintah. direkomendasikan juga agar hutan yang tersisa di daerah sumatera tempat tinggal orangutan dilindungi
